Archive for the 'commons' Category

Translating Pentaho

As part of our fun week this year, I began work on a tool to make it easier to contribute translations of all Pentaho projects (There are over 100!) .  Since then, I’ve been working in my spare time to get to an initial release of the project.  I now have a first cut available, and I’m looking for feedback on the tool.  I haven’t yet invested much in the UI, but now that all the plumbing is working well, we can start discussing what capabilities would be the most beneficial to folks who might want to contribute a translation.  You can download the latest here on our continuious integration server:

Please check it out and let me know what you think!

Pentaho Connection API

Today I created a new Pentaho commons project, the Pentaho Connection API.  The code in this project was formerly part of the Pentaho BI Suite project, in the package org.pentaho.core.connection.  I’ve moved these Interfaces  and Classes into their own project primarily so that Pentaho Metadata’s Query class can generate it’s own ExtendedMetaData, versus relying on the BI Suite to generate the extra metadata.  This will make it easier for folks to extend Pentaho’s Metadata Query Language.

Eventually,  we’ll also move out the various implementations of the Connections API into a commons project, which include SQL, MDX, MQL, Javascript, and HQL.  Once we’ve create that project, developers will be able to quickly write an app that works with all of those disparate APIs in a common way.